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Consignor Info: Get Involved
Who can sell at Lil' Angels Attic?
Anyone! Our sale is open to the first 300 registered consignors
What is the minimum/maximum number of items I can sell?
Minimum: 25 | Maximum: 350
What is the seller fee?
There is a $30 seller fee. However, the fee is waived if the seller volunteers for one (1) 3-hour volunteer shift during the sale.
Can I volunteer without selling?
Absolutely! Volunteers also get access to our preview sale on Thursday night.
When can I start entering my items into the system?
Items can be entered as soon as registration opens, there’s no need to wait to enter them. Everything must be entered in our system by 5pm on the Monday of the week of the sale. This enables us to prepare an adequate amount of space for the items we will receive.
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